Diwedd Wythnos 9 | End of Week 9
Annwyl Deuluoedd,
Mae'r plant wedi cael llawer o hwyl ac wedi dysgu llawer o iaith anodd yr wythnos hon! Maen nhw wedi bod yn gyffrous iawn i ymarfer eu holl sgiliau!
Uchafbwyntiau’r Wythnos
Dysgodd y plant am bobl sy’n ein helpu a'r eirfa sy’n disgrifio nhw. Roedd y plant wedi mwynhau gwrando am enw person sy’n ein helpu ac yna taro'r geirfa oedd yn disgrifio nhw orau. Roedd cyfle i’r plant trafod pwy roeddwn nhw’n edmygu hefyd gan esbonio pam gan ddefnyddio amryw o ansoddeiriau. Yn symud ymlaen, edrychodd y plant ar fathau gwahanol o wyliau cyn creu pamffled am ei hoff fath o wyliau. Yng nghanol yr wythnos dysgodd y plant am y swyddfa bost. Cymharodd y plant pwysau gwahanol, maint parseli a maint amlenni. Yna, ysgrifennodd y plant cerdyn post am beth maen nhw wedi gwneud yng Ngharreg Lam hyd yn hyn. Roedd y plant yn gyffrous i ysgrifennu at ffrindiau yn ôl yn yr ysgol. Tuag at ddiwedd yr wythnos roedd cyfle i fynd ar drip i’r dref ar ôl dysgu am wahanol fathau o siopau. Gweithiodd y plant yn galed i gofio enwau Cymraeg y siopau i gyd. Ond, yn sicr, uchafbwynt yr wythnos oedd y trip i’r dref ac postio'r cardiau post. Roedd y plant yn gyffrous iawn. I orffen yr wythnos, dysgodd plant am gyfesurynnau. Dysgon nhw sut i ddarllen a chofnodi cyfesurynnau ac roedd cyfle creu grid enfawr a thrafod yr ardal leol o amgylch Carreg Lam.
Cyfleoedd Dysgu Adref
1. Dylunio canol tref newydd gan sicrhau bod gennych yr holl siopau sydd eu hangen arnoch
2. Ymarfer rhoi cyfarwyddiadau, ymlaen, chwith, dde, yn ôl, wrth fynd am dro.
3. Gwnewch pamffled ynglŷn â ble hoffech fynd ar wyliau
4. Chwarae gêm o 'Battleships'
Patrymau Iaith a Geirfa’r Wythnos Nesaf
Mae ein thema ar gyfer yr wythnos nesaf, ‘Anifeiliaid yng Nghymru’, yn golygu y byddwn yn dysgu llawer o strwythurau iaith a geirfa. Dyma ddetholiad o’r prif batrymau iaith y byddwn yn eu hymarfer wythnos nesaf.
Does gen i ddim..
Mae e/hi...
Mae ganddo/ mae ganddi..
Fy hoff anifail ydy..
Dilynwch y ddolen canlynol er mwyn gweld yr holl batrymau ar gyfer yr wythnos nesaf:
Cofiwch rydych chi’n gallu mynd i’n wefan ar unrhyw bryd er mwyn gweld patrymau’r wythnosau blaenorol a’r wythnosau sydd i ddod:
Dyddiadau Pwysig i’ch Dyddiadur
WYTHNOS NESAF: Ddydd Mercher nesaf, 20/11/2024, rydym yn mynd ar drip i Ddŵr Cymru.
AR Y GORWEL: Cofiwch bod ein seremoni graddio ar y 27/11/2024 am 10yb.
Dear Families,
The children have had lots of fun and learnt a lot of difficult language this week! They’ve been really excited to practice all their skills!
Highlights of the Week
The children learned about people who help us and the vocabulary that describes them. The children enjoyed listening for the name of a person who helps us and then splatting the vocabulary that best described them with. There was also an opportunity for the children to discuss who they admired and explain why using various adjectives. Moving on, the children looked at different types of holidays before creating a pamphlet about their favourite type of holiday. In the middle of the week the children learned about the post office. The children compared different weights, parcel sizes and envelope sizes. Then, the children wrote a postcard about what they have done at Carreg Lam so far. The children were excited to write to friends back at school. Towards the end of the week there was an opportunity to go on a trip to the town after learning about different types of shops. The children worked hard to remember the Welsh names of all the shops. But, certainly, the highlight of the week was the trip to town and posting the postcards. The children were very excited. To finish the week, the children learned about coordinates. They learned how to read and record coordinates and there was an opportunity to create a huge grid and discuss the local area around Carreg Lam.
Learning Opportunities at Home
1. Design a new town centre ensuring that you have all the shops you need
2. Practise giving directions, forwards, left, right, backwards
3. Make a pamphlet about where you would like to go on holiday
4. Play a game of battleships.
Next Week’s Language Patterns and Vocabulary
Our theme for next week, ‘Animals in Wales’, means that there are lots of language structures and vocabulary that we will be learning. Here is a selection of the main language patterns that we will be practicing next week.
Does gen i ddim..
Mae e/hi...
Mae ganddo/ mae ganddi...
Fy hoff anifail ydy..
Follow the following link to see all the patterns for next week::
Remember that you can go to our website at any time to see the previous language patterns from previous weeks and the weeks to come:
Important Dates for Your Diary
NEXT WEEK: On Wednesday, 20/11/2024, we will be going on a trip to Dŵr Cymru
ON THE HORIZON: Remember that our graduation ceremony is on 27/11/2024 at 10am.