Annwyl Deuluoedd,
Ni allwn gredu ei bod wedi bod yn wythnos gyfan ers i'ch plentyn ddechrau gyda ni yng Ngharreg Lam! Am wythnos! Rydyn ni wedi gwneud cymaint ac mae'r plant wedi llwyddo cymaint! Maen nhw wedi setlo'n dda iawn ac rydyn ni nawr yn dechrau'r gwaith go iawn o ddifrif.
Uchafbwyntiau’r Wythnos
Am ddechrau gwych i daith Carreg Lam. Roedd y plant wedi cael cyfle i fynd ar daith o gwmpas yr holl ysgol a dod i adnabod eu gilydd. Ar ddechrau’r wythnos roedd y plant wedi mwynhau dysgu am liwiau ac hynny trwy liwio a chwarae Twister. Mae nhw hefyd wedi mwynhau cyfri a chwarae gemau gyda rhifau.
Ymhellach yn yr wythnos roedd y plant llawn egni wrth chwarae bingo a nadroedd ac ysgolion er mwyn ymarfer rhifau. Dysgodd y plant am y tywydd a dyddiau’r wythnos. Wedyn roedd cyfle i ddefnyddio toes i greu gwahanol mathau o dywydd. Yn sicr mae’r plant wir wedi mwynhau yr haul ac y cyfle i chwarae tu fas ar y iard.
Yng nghanol yr wythnos roedd y plant yn hoff iawn o ddysgu trwy gemau. Mae ganddyn nhw sgiliau gwrando gwych ac mae nhw wedi mwynhau dysgu gemau newydd.
I orffen yr wythnos mae’r plant wedi mwynhau dysgu caneuon newydd gyda Cerdd Music Torfaen ac roedd cyfle arbennig i weld injan dân hefyd.
Rydym wedi clywed llwyth o Gymraeg ac felly mae’r plant wedi ennill nifer iawn o bwyntiau dojo. Da iawn chi. Ymlaen a ni i wythnos nesaf!
Patrymau Iaith a Geirfa’r Wythnos Nesaf
Mae ein thema ar gyfer yr wythnos nesaf, ‘Y Parc’, yn golygu y byddwn yn dysgu llawer o strwythurau iaith a geirfa. Dyma ddetholiad o’r prif batrymau iaith y byddwn yn eu hymarfer wythnos nesaf.
Beth sydd yn y…? Mae … yn y …
Oes… yn y …? Oes, mae… yn y … / Nac oes, does dim… yn y…
Arddodiaid. Ble mae… Ydy e/hi o dan/tu ôl? Ydy / Nac ydy.
Rwy’n gallu…
Rwy’n hoffi…
Rydw i eisiau…
Beth mae… yn gwneud…? Mae… yn… (berfau).
Dilynwch y ddolen canlynol er mwyn gweld yr holl batrymau ar gyfer yr wythnos nesaf:
Cofiwch rydych chi’n gallu mynd i’n wefan ar unrhyw bryd er mwyn gweld patrymau’r wythnosau blaenorol a’r wythnosau sydd i ddod:
Dyddiadau Pwysig i’ch Dyddiadur
YR WYTHNOS NESAF: 12/09/2023, byddwn yn mynd i Barc Pontypool er mwyn parhau i ddysgu'r iaith yn yr awyr agored. Mae gennym eisoes eich caniatâd ar gyfer y daith hon ar eich ffurflen dderbyn. Felly, dim ond os nad ydych chi am i'ch plentyn fynychu'r ymweliad addysgol y mae angen i chi gysylltu â ni. Nid oes unrhyw gost am yr ymweliad hwn - mae costau wedi cyfro gan Garreg Lam. Fodd bynnag, bydd angen cinio paciedig a photel o ddŵr i'ch plentyn. Cofiwch esgidiau da, synhwyrol a chôt gynnes, ddi-ddŵr.
YR WYTHNOS AR ÔL: 20/09/2023, byddwn yn mynd i Ganol Tref Cwmbrân er mwyn parhau i ddysgu'r iaith ym myd go iawn caffi. Mae gennym eisoes eich caniatâd ar gyfer y daith hon ar eich ffurflen dderbyn. Felly, dim ond os nad ydych chi am i'ch plentyn fynychu'r ymweliad addysgol y mae angen i chi gysylltu â ni. Nid oes unrhyw gost am yr ymweliad hwn - mae costau wedi cyfro gan Garreg Lam.
Gobeithio y cewch chi benwythnos hyfryd! Welwn ni chi i gyd yr wythnos nesaf!
Dear Families,
We can’t believe it has been one whole week since your child started with us at Carreg Lam! What a week its been! We’ve done so much and the children have come so far! They’ve settled really well and we now start the real work in earnest.
Highlights of the Week
What a great start to the Carreg Lam journey! The children had the opportunity to go on a tour around the whole school and get to know each other. At the beginning of the week, the children had enjoyed learning about colours by colouring and playing Twister. They have also enjoyed counting and playing games with numbers.
Further in the week the children were full of energy playing bingo and snakes and ladders to practice numbers. The children learned about the weather and the days of the week. Then there was an opportunity to use dough to create different types of weather. Certainly the children have really enjoyed the sun and the opportunity to play in the yard.
In the middle of the week the children really liked learning through games. They have great listening skills and have enjoyed learning new games.
To finish the week the children have enjoyed learning new songs with Cerdd Music Torfaen and there was also a special opportunity to see a fire engine.
We have heard a lot of Welsh and therefore the children have gained a large number of dojo points. Well done! We can’t wait for next week!
Next Week’s Language Patterns and Vocabulary
Our theme for next week, ‘The Park’, means that there are lots of language structures and vocabulary that we will be learning. Here is a selection of the main language patterns that we will be practicing next week.
Beth sydd yn y…? Mae … yn y …
Oes… yn y …? Oes, mae… yn y … / Nac oes, does dim… yn y…
Arddodiaid. Ble mae… Ydy e/hi o dan/tu ôl? Ydy / Nac ydy.
Rwy’n gallu…
Rwy’n hoffi…
Rydw i eisiau…
Beth mae… yn gwneud…? Mae… yn… (berfau).
Follow the following link to see all the patterns for next week::
Remember that you can go to our website at any time to see the previous langauge patterns from previous weeks and the weeks to come:
Dyddiadau Pwysig i’ch Dyddiadur
NEXT WEEK: On 12/09/2023, we will be going to Pontypool Park in order to continue learning the language in the outdoors. We already have your permission for this trip on your admissions form. So, you only need to contact us if you do not want your child to attend the educational visit. There is no cost for this visit – costs are covered by Carreg Lam. However, please supply a packed lunch and bottle of water for your child. Remember good, sensible shoes and a warm, waterproof coat.
THE WEEK AFTER: On 20/09/2023, we will be going to Cwmbran Town Centre in order to continue learning the language in the real world of a café. We already have your permission for this trip on your admissions form. So, you only need to contact us if you do not want your child to attend the educational visit. There is no cost for this visit – costs are covered by Carreg Lam.
We hope you have a lovely weekend! See you all next week!