Dydd Gwener / Friday, 23/06/2023
Diwedd Wythnos 9 | End of Week 9
Annwyl Deuluoedd,
Mae'r plant wedi cael llawer o hwyl ac wedi dysgu llawer o iaith anodd yr wythnos hon! Maen nhw wedi bod yn gyffrous iawn i ymarfer eu holl sgiliau!

Uchafbwyntiau’r Wythnos
I ddechrau’r wythnos, gwnaeth y plant ymarfer disgrifio swyddi gwahanol. Creon nhw gerbydau 3D i roi yn ein tref. Llwyddodd y plant i roi cyfarwyddiadau i’r beebot ac ymarfer iaith safle. Edrychon ni ar siop teithio. Roedd y plant wedi mwynhau trafod ei hoff fath o wyliau ac roedd y plant yn awyddus i drafod eu gwyliau mewn carafán neu brofiadau ar awyren. Yna creon nhw pamffled ar gyfer eu hoff wyliau. Nesaf, edrychon ni ar swyddfa bost. Cafodd y plant cyfle i arbrofi gyda phwysau a maint eto a defnyddio iaith gymharol. Rydym ni hefyd wedi ysgrifennu cerdyn post i’w dosbarthiadau sy’n trafod popeth maen nhw wedi gwneud yng Ngharreg Lam. Tuag at ddiwedd yr wythnos, roedd y plant wedi cael cyfle gwych i edrych ar yr holl siopau a defnyddio cyfarwyddiadau syml i esbonio ble i fynd (chwith,dde,syth ymlaen). Yna aethon ni i brynu stamp er mwyn postio ein cerdyn post. Mae’r plant yn gyffrous i weld os mae’r cerdyn post yn cyrraedd. I orffen yr wythnos, mae'r plant wedi mwynhau defnyddio cyfesurynnau, chwarae 'Battleships' a chymryd rhan mewn dawns roc a rôl.

Patrymau Iaith a Geirfa’r Wythnos Nesaf
Mae ein thema ar gyfer yr wythnos nesaf, ‘Anifeiliaid yng Nghymru’, yn golygu y byddwn yn dysgu llawer o strwythurau iaith a geirfa. Dyma ddetholiad o’r prif batrymau iaith y byddwn yn eu hymarfer wythnos nesaf.
Does gen i ddim..
Mae e/hi...
Mae ganddo/ mae ganddi..
Fy hoff anifail ydy..
Dilynwch y ddolen canlynol er mwyn gweld yr holl batrymau ar gyfer yr wythnos nesaf:
Cofiwch rydych chi’n gallu mynd i’n wefan ar unrhyw bryd er mwyn gweld patrymau’r wythnosau blaenorol a’r wythnosau sydd i ddod:
Dyddiadau Pwysig i’ch Dyddiadur
AR Y GORWEL: Cofiwch bod ein seremoni graddio ar y 05/07/2023 am 10yb.
AR Y GORWEL: Wythnos Adolygu a Phontio: 10/07/2023-14/07/2023; Fwy o Fanylion i Ddilyn
Dear Families,
The children have had lots of fun and learnt a lot of difficult language this week! They’ve been really excited to practice all their skills!

Highlights of the Week
To start the week, the children practiced describing different jobs. They created 3D vehicles to put in our model town. The children managed to instruct the Beebot and practice positional language. We looked at a travel shop. The children enjoyed discussing his favourite type of holidays and the children were keen to discuss their caravan holidays or plane experiences. Then they created a pamphlet for their favourite holidays. Next, we looked at a post office. The children had the opportunity to experiment with weight and size again and use comparative language. We have also written a postcard for their classes that discuss everything they have done in Carreg Lam. Towards the end of the week, the children had a great opportunity to look at all the shops and use simple instructions to explain where to go (left, right, straight on). Then we went to buy a stamp to post our postcard. The children are excited to see if the postcard arrives. To finish the week, the children have enjoyed using coordinates, playing 'Battleships' and participating in rock and role dance.

Next Week’s Language Patterns and Vocabulary
Our theme for next week, ‘Animals in Wales’, means that there are lots of language structures and vocabulary that we will be learning. Here is a selection of the main language patterns that we will be practicing next week.
Does gen i ddim..
Mae e/hi...
Mae ganddo/ mae ganddi..
Fy hoff anifail ydy..
Follow the following link to see all the patterns for next week::
Remember that you can go to our website at any time to see the previous language patterns from previous weeks and the weeks to come:
Important Dates for Your Diary
ON THE HORIZON: Remember that our graduation ceremony is on 05/07/2023 at 10am.
ON THE HORIZON: Revision and Transition Week: 10/07/2023-14/07/2023; More Details to Follow